Lighting Class and a New Lens

By Mika Graham

Photography has been “my thing” since I was given my first camera in middle school for Christmas.  That was the same Christmas my uncle surprised my Granny with a sheltie puppy.  A perfect combination….a new camera, a middle schooler and a puppy!     

When the boys were little, I took tons of photos and even got into scrapbooking…..which I will do again one day soon…..I promise!   

And now that the boys are off at college and I actually have the time to get better at photography, the only thing to take photos of are Scott and my sweet little dog Lilly.  So I’ve put the word out to my friends…..’Please let me take pictures of your kids!”.  

My dear friend Mary, invited me to her home to take photos of her daughter Anna for her confirmation this weekend.  PERFECT!  I immediately shifted into photographer mode and spent some time reviewing my online KJ lighting and location course and rented the recommended portrait lens from Aperturent.  I am really proud of how her pictures came out!  She is such a sweet girl and I feel like that came through.  

I’m so proud of Mary, Anna’s mom.  She was brave enough to jump into a bunch of photos with her daughter.  It wasn’t for her… was for Anna.  Mary is like most of us moms….way to critical of ourselves.   But she did it!  I have the photos and so does she….that’s enough.  Yeah Mary!

Mary did like the photos of herself with the kids and her parents. 🙂   And so did I!  For the second half of the session, we just stayed in Mary’s backyard because it was easier for the family.   I’m glad I had the f1.8 because of the beautiful bokeh!   Love these people….they are the best!  I’m thankful for Mary and our friendship.

Congratulations Anna on your commitment to your faith.  Much love!

And then there is this cutie pie, Austin….another perfect doggo!   My dog seeking lens always finds the dogs!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sue Witkowski

    Very nice work, Mika! Such wonderful moments preserved.

  2. Mary Summers

    So cute, thanks again for capturing Anna’s smile and spirit.

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