Finding your Happy Place

By Mika Graham

If there is anything I’ve learned about being the mom of two “Crohn-ies”, is that you have to have your happy place.  You need a “thing” that helps you escape.  It needs to be portable and easily accessible.   I think that anyone who has suffered through a stressful medical situation, would agree.

When Kyle was just a little thing, his game boy was a life saver.  That boy could “plug” into that thing and not be aware of all the doctors, nurses and scared parent faces.   And strangely enough, now that he is a “man-child”, those video games are still his escape.

John’s trumpet will save him every time…..Music lifts him like no other.  He has a silent mute that he has used for hospital stays.  They even have found a room in the hospital where he can play.  Yes, play your trumpet during the clean out!   

John came home this week for a routine colonoscopy.  I am good at helping folks with clean out and he knew he needed his mama.  You know I love that!  

We love the miralax method, one cup at a time so you can change the drink….apple juice, sprite, water!  Thank you Children’s Health!

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