I went with my darling mother in law, Betsy and my sweet sister in law, Charmaine to Filoli in Woodside, California. Filoli is a country house set in 16 acres of formal gardens surrounded by a 654-acre estate, about 25 miles south of San Francisco on the eastern slope of the Santa Cruz Mountains. I think most folks know it as the house in the opening clip of “Dynasty” back in the 80s.
Click below to find out more about this wonderful place:

I have visited the estate a handful of times over my years of visiting California, but I think it has been almost 15 years since my last visit to the estate. Anyone recognize these two? I do!
We started our visit with a tour of the inside of the home. The furnishings aren’t original, but they are period pieces. The architectural details inside the home are impressive. My favorite room by far is the ballroom. 🙂 And of course all flowers are fresh and from the grounds and are the highlight of all the rooms.
We caught the end of the tulip season, and missed daffodil season. All the more reason to return next year! We had absolutely perfect weather for our walk of the gardens, as we usually do in Northern California! I only brought my rented 85mm, f1.8, because it was the only lens I could carry to avoid being charged the professional photography fee. Bummer, I know.
The colors are amazing! There is a surprise around every corner. I took approximately 300 photos today. If you love me, you’ll ask to see all of them….just kidding!

My darling sister in law volunteered to be my model for the day! She is an extremely good sport. You know how I love to take pictures of mamas! Your kids may not appreciate these today, but I promise they will one day! It was sooooo much fun!!! Thank you Charmaine.
I’m really proud of how these turned out. I have learned some much from the half of the KJ lighting and location course I have finished so far….need to make the time to finish the rest!
Charmaine even turned my camera on me a bit! Not my favorite thing to do, but I do it for my boys! We really wanted to find a giant field of California poppies, but this tiny patch will have to do. Much love!

This Post Has One Comment
These photos are stunning girl…and those boys, well you already know how I feel about them 🙂 Thanks for showing us a new part of the world!