More than Inspired

By Mika Graham

Today was our “Healthy Community” day with my Leadership Allen-Fairview class.  This was our sixth class together, so I’m used to the “getting blown away” feeling.  Each day is designed to inspire us to engage in our community and to learn more about ourselves and how we work with others.   Up to this point, I have been somewhat familiar with everything we have been exposed to.  It’s a side effect of growing up here and being the kid of a city government employee!   But today, was different….

We had an hour and 15-minute tour schedule at My Possibilities at 3:00 in Plano off George Bush Parkway and Independence.  The building was contemporary and sparkly new.  The icon on the building didn’t really indicate what we were about to see. 

“HIPster.  noun.  Hugely Important People.  Our students.  The people who attend My Possibilities are more than a label.  They are people with an important role to play in society.” 

We were quickly shuttled off to a lovely conference room where we were introduced to a lovely woman named Charmaine Soloman.  Not only did she have the name of my sweet sister in law, Charmaine Becker Graham, she sounded like her too!  They are both South African.  She was so articulate, smart and protective of all “her HIPsters”.  She took us on a tour of the facility including her vision of where she wants the program to go.  There were happy faces everyone being taught and helped by more caring happy faces.    I could have stayed for several more hours!

I literally left with the feeling, “They can have all my money!”….Kindness and love overflowing….MOM POWER!  I am stunned I didn’t know about their efforts before now and feel inspired to share their mission!!  Please, please, go visit their website and find out more!

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