Summer begins when the school ends for my boys, never mind the high today was a weird 61 degrees. So here we are…..It’s Summer!
The boys are home from college! I moved Kyle out of the 3rd floor of Aston Hall amid tornado warnings and rain Wednesday. Thank goodness that was my last on campus move!!!! YEAH! It was a wet, dirty and exhausting job. I’m so excited to have my sweet Kyle home for the summer! He plans to get a job while at home….anyone want to hire him?!
John will be taking a full load of classes in College Station this summer, so is only home for the rest of the month. I’ll miss him, but am always happy to go visit.

Sometimes asking your adult children to smile at the camera isn’t much different from when they were toddlers. I do love these two!
I finished the background on Joker Girl. I really hope all those strings of beads don’t snap years down the road. I’m just going to have to remember to always be careful with her. I do plan making a stand up out of her, so that should help.
I was really nervous about the little balls on her hat, but it really wasn’t bad at all! Great technique, but I’m glad I only had three.
It is a felt ball cut in half, then secured and covered with Rainbow Gallery Flair in Red.
Next up…..fancy wrist and ankle bands and a tulle skirt. I’m in a hurry to get her done, because I had two new canvases arrive this week. Happy Mother’s Day to me!
This Post Has One Comment
She really is so cute! Those. Beads. Oh my…