Cousin Whitney

By Mika Graham

My cousin Whitney stopped by yesterday for a short visit.  Nana hosted a small lunch for her.  She was born when I was a senior in high school, so we didn’t necessarily grow up together, but we have always been connected.   I have watched her grow up into a fantastic human that I proud to say I am related to.  She takes care of her family, her community and is a Epilepsy warrior.   

I value my cousins. They are always welcome in my world.  My cousins share my weird sense of humor and my family stories.  They are a part of me and I am thankful to have them!

Trying to get Charlotte to show her beautiful teeth in a photo is always an adventure. She has such a beautiful smile with our without teeth, don’t ya think?  Laughing and giggling is my favorite…..always! 

What’s a post without a photo of my Lilly?

This is Lucy.  She lives at Nana and Papa’s house, but she will always belong to Thomas and Charlotte.  She is loved beyond measure and is one lucky pup.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sue Witkowski

    Thank you so much for recording this visit!!

  2. Lisa Kipp

    Love how the site looks. I feel like you are right next to me talking when I read. I love all your talents and sense of humor. ❤️

  3. Cortney Baca

    Beautiful! Lovely photos and I can feel all the LOVE! ❤️😍

  4. Whitney Bullok

    Revisited your blog this morning so i could relive those moments. Thank you for documenting that after noon!

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